The trade makes a positive experience when shopping in Turkey with
Pressemeldung von: Handelsagentur Reimann / TR-MEDIA - 20.05.2014 10:22 Uhr
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The positive trend for the procurement of goods and commodities from Turkey continues unabated in European companies. Many companies use trade Marketplace to unique offers from Turkish producers, traders and service providers on favorable terms and with little effort to procure professionally over the Internet.
The Internet is widely used for the purchase of goods or services. So do 54 percent of all German companies with more than ten employees their shopping online in whole or in part. This puts Germany in comparison with the EU countries in fourth place behind Denmark , Norway and Austria .
Medium-sized trading companies benefit from this trend and find distinct advantages. You can connect via the Internet faster, cheaper and above all individual contacts with Turkish companies and efficiently obtain their desired products at .
A wholesaler in the field of fashion in Stuttgart said: " Before, I was dependent on the offered assortment in Germany or Europe - and have ultimately offered the same goods as my competitors in the wholesale . Today, I buy more than directly in Turkey and leave on producers to produce cost my own label . Shopping in Turkey is now priced lower for me and my product is unique. "
Made in Turkey !
Many international companies are producing now in Turkey. Mercedes star from Istanbul, Hugo Boss suits from Izmir. More and more international companies can produce in Turkey.
The customs union has a positive effect . This development also reflects the fact that the trade relations between the EU and Turkey were placed on a new foundation with the existing since 1 January 1996 customs union. With few exceptions ( agriculture) the mutual trade between Turkey and the EU countries has since duty free.
Turkish companies can present themselves on with their offers and be targeted search of prospects in Europe and seen worldwide contacts with Turkish producers, traders and service providers. opens so powerful Turkish traders new opportunities to reach new markets. allows buyers from Europe and around the world the easy direct access to powerful Turkish companies. Bildquelle:kein externes Copyright
posted by PR-Gateway
Firmenkontakt:Handelsagentur Reimann / TR-MEDIA
Thomas Reimann
Ludwig-Windthorststraße 28
75180 Pforzheim
Telefon: 4972311335995
Homepage: ist ein internationaler B2B online Marktplatz für Gewerbetreibende in Europa und der Türkei aus allen Bereichen.
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Ebenso können Einkäufer hier nach geeigneten Artikeln, Gütern und Partnerunternehmen in Europa und der Türkei suchen. ist ein online B2B Business Portal das in den Sprachen Englisch, Deutsch und Türkisch zur Verfügung steht und somit den Handel über sprachliche Barrieren hinweg erleichtert. ist hilfreich für das Knüpfen neuer Geschäftsverbindungen im Inland für den Inlandshandel und darüber hinaus auch in ganz Europa und der Türkei. Somit ist dieser B2B Marktplatz auch perfekt geeignet für den Import,- und Exporthandel.
Auf erreichen Sie täglich eine große Zahl von Gewerbetreibenden aus der Türkei und ganz Europa. Damit erhöhen Sie ohne viel Aufwand die Chancen auf deutlich mehr Verkäufe und daraus resultierende Umsatz- und Gewinnsteigerungen.
Pressekontakt:Handelsagentur Reimann / TR-MEDIA
Thomas Reimann
Ludwig-Windthorststraße 28
75180 Pforzheim
Telefon: 4972311335995